Since the development of the auto mixer industry, it has been favored by many construction projects. More and more construction sites have bought their own auto mixer.
自動(dòng)攪拌車(chē)為什么會(huì )有如此好的發(fā)展勢頭呢?這完全要歸功于我國經(jīng)濟建設的快速發(fā)展,已經(jīng)城鎮化建設,新農村建設的發(fā)展加快了我國建筑行業(yè)的發(fā)展。還要歸功于現在商業(yè)化混凝土生產(chǎn)模式的優(yōu)點(diǎn)。
Why does the automatic mixer have such a good development momentum? This is entirely due to the rapid development of China's economic construction, which has accelerated the development of China's construction industry. Thanks to the advantages of commercial concrete production mode.

The original concrete mixing mainly relies on manual work, all kinds of raw materials to be used are piled up everywhere, which makes the construction site very messy, and the uniformity of concrete is not very ideal. Now the automatic mixer truck realizes automatic mixing, which not only saves labor, but also makes the construction site clean a lot. The construction site is no longer the scene of sand flying everywhere when the wind blows.
Automatic mixer makes the concrete into the era of commercialization, now the quality of concrete is much better than before, not only in the uniformity, because the amount of raw materials are controlled by computer, so the proportion of various raw materials is also very accurate, people can be more assured to buy and use.
The development of automatic mixer not only marks the development of concrete technology, but also indirectly reflects the development of China's economy and construction industry. The convenience of automatic mixer to the construction site is obvious to all.